Jumat, 24 April 2009

Grade 7C : Info Unit Test on Friday 1 May 2009

Dear Grade 7C Students,

Please be noted that we will be having a unit test on Friday 1 May 2009.
Materials : Age of Reason ( Enlightment Thinkers and Enlightment Despots)


Selasa, 21 April 2009

Grade 8 : (Wednesday 22 April 2009) Making a poster about World War 1

The students of grade 8 were making a poster about World War 1.

Marshella was preparing the background paper for the poster.

Grade 7 A : History unit test on Age of Reason

Grade 7 A : History unit test on Age of Reason

Info :
Today, Wednesday 22 April 2009, students of grade 7A had History unit test on Age of Reason (Enlightment Thinkers and Enlightened Despots). All students joined the test.

Anang P.S.

Grade 7 B : History unit test on Age of Reason

Info :
Today, 21 April 2009, students of grade 7B had History unit test on Age of Reason (Enlightment Thinkers and Enlightened Despots). All students joined the test.

Anang P.S.

Rabu, 15 April 2009

Grade 8 : Poster Project on World War 1

Please bring materials (Asturo paper, pictures, scissor, markers, etc) for making poster project on Wednesday 22 April 2009.
Assessment criteria :
Content : 20%
Creativity : 25%
Neatness : 20%
Time Management : 15%
Attractiveness : 20%


Grade 7A students learnt about the Age of reason part 2 : The Enlightened Despots.
Note : Please find the summary of the lesson today in this blog.
Information : We will be having a unit test on Age of Reason next week on Wednesday 22 April 2009.

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Test yourself (The Age of Reason)

Questions :
1. Name the Enlightment thinkers and their important works.
2. Why was the period between 17th and 18th century called the Age of Reason?
3. How did the Enlightment thinkers attack absolutism?
4. Name two revolutions which were inspired by the Enlightment ideas in the 18th century.
5. Explain the following terms : Enlightened despot, Separation of powers, Social contract.

GRADE 7B : Unit test on Tuesday 21 April 2009

Dear students of grade 7B,

You will be having a unit test on The Age of Reason/Enlightenment on Tuesday 21 April 2009.
Please study the summary of the unit (you can find it in this blog), and from Text book p.19-28.

Anang P.Setiawan

Senin, 13 April 2009


Tuesday 14 April 2007
Class : Grade 7B
•In the 18th century, several European rulers were influenced by the Enlightment ideas. They believe that they should improve the living standard of their people. But they still held all powers in their hands. These rulers were called enlightened despots
•E.g. Frederick the great of Prussia and Catherine the Great of Russia
•The enlightment despots introduced reforms to lessen the hardships of the people. This gave people idea that their welfare was important and that government was on their side.

Frederick the Great of Prussia
•While Louis XIV believed in absolutism, Frederick the Great of Prussia (ruled from 1740-86) was an enlightened despot. He was influenced by the enlightened thinkers of the time, especially Voltaire. While Louis XIV said “I am the State, Frederick II called himself ‘The first servant of the State”. However, although he held liberal ideas and wanted gave his people a better government, he did not believe the people could rule themselves. He therefore assumed absolute power.

•Frederick wrote’ the people do not exist for the sake of the rulers, but rulers for the sake of the people’. He devoted his time to serving his people. He improved the economy by encouraging agriculture and industry. Science and education progressed under his rule. He also granted religious freedom, and introduced law reforms such as the abolition of torture as punishment.

•Frederick wanted to make Prussia a strong country in Europe. He spent a large sum of money strenghtening his army. He waged wars against other countries to expand his territories. Although he ruled his people like despot and made them pay high taxes to support his wars, Prussia became the leader of other German states and was powerful in Europe.

Catherine the Great of Russia
•Another enlightened despot was Catherine the Great of Russia (1729-1796). She was a German princess who married Peter III of Russia. Peter was not a good ruler, and Catherine later deposed him with the help of the Imperial Guard. She called herself Empress of Russia.
•Catherine was influenced by the great thinkers of the time. She tried to practise some ideas of Enlightment. She built schools and hospitals and permitted religious freedom.
•However she was also depostic. She chose her ministers carefully and selected only those were loyal to her. She did not grant wider freedom to her people and cruelly suppressed peasant revolts.
•Catherine succeeded in turning Russia into a great power. She gained the Crimea and lands along the Black sea from Turkey. She obtained rights for Russian ships to sail through the Dardanelles and the Bosporus into the Mediterranean.

Comparison of Absolute Monarchy and Enlightened Despotism
Believed in the Divine Right of Kings, and he claimed that his power came from God.
Claimed to be the servant of the state and introduced reforms to give the people a better government.

Absolute in power, all people had to obey his orders
Did not believe the people could rule themsleves and therefore assumed absolute power.

Louis XIV of France
James I of England
Frederick the Great of Prussia
Catherine the Great of Russia

End of doc.