Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

Grade 7 : The Age of Reason Part 1

The Age of Reason Part 1
Summarized by Anang P.Setiawan
Date : Tuesday, 24 March 2009

In the 17th and 18th centuries :
The use of reason as the best method to judge human action (problems of politics, religion, arts, education and law)
It was called the Enlightment/Age of Reason.

The Enlightment : Influenced the educated class.
They believed that Absolutism must be replaced by a reasonable and democratic form of government.

Enlightment Thinkers
Many thinkers believed that natural laws should govern man and society.
These laws could be found by scientific methods based on reasoning. John Locke (1632-1704)
He introduced “Social Contract Theory”.
He wrote “ The Two Treaties on Government”
Ideas :
-All men had basic natural rights of life, liberty and prosperity.
-The people set up a government and gave it the power to protect their right.
-Social contract ( Transfer of power from people to the government)
-If he misused the power, the people had right to revolt against him and form a new government. (revolution against tyranny was legal)
-States run by the people.
Many of his ideas were adopted in the American Declaration of Independence.

Montesquieu (1689-1775)
Ideas :
He argued for the separation of powers into the executive, legislatature and the judiciary to avoid tyranny.
His ideas were included in the American Constitution.

Voltaire (1694-1778)

Ideas :
-He attacked the political and social institutions of his time.
-He critized the French government and Roman Catholic and Protestant churches.
-He recognized man’s need for God.
His ideas inspired the French to start the French Revolution.

Rousseau (1712-1778)

Ideas :
-People could be equal under government under government set up by their consent.
-The Monarch’s right to rule was given by the people and not by God.
-Everyone had a responsibility to all others and had individual freedom in a justly organized society.
His “Social Contract” was called the “Bible of the French Revolution”

End of Doc.

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