Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Grade 8 : The causes of World War I

Colonial Rivalry
Militarism and Armament race
Two Rival Armed Camps

Colonial Rivalry
By 1870, the major European nations were industrialized.
In order to look for markets and raw materials, they began to acquire colonies in Asia, Africa and the Pacific. These led to growing clashes among the powers. E.g. France quarrelled with Italy over Tunisia, Germany over Marocco, Russia with Austria over the Balkans, and Britain with France over Egypt.

In the early 20th century, there was a growing desire among native people to govern themselves and maintain their own culture, religion and way of life.
Some extreme nationalists proudly believed that they were superior to their neighbours and that war was an excellent means of proving their nation’s superiority.
Some believed in going to war to liberate fellow nationals living under foreign rule, or to civilize ‘inferior races’.

Militarism and Armament race
Some believed that only military action could solve problems. (This to increase in military and naval forces)
By 1914, all the European powers except Britain had adopted some form of compulsory military service. This created an atmosphere of fear and distrust.
In an atmosphere of fear and distrust, each of the great powers tried to build a stronger fighting force than that of its neighbours. This started the armament race among them.

Two Rival Armed Camps
Bismarck, the German Chancellor, organized a system of alliances with other European powers.He wanted to prevent France from seeking revenge for her defeat in the Franco-Prussian War and from making alliances with other European powers.
He persuaded Austria-Hungary, and Russia to side with Germany in the League of the Three Emperors so as isolate France. In this allience, they agreed to preserve peace and maintain status quo

In 1878, Bismarck was forced to take the side of Austreia in a dispute between Austria and Russia over Balkans. Fearing that Russia would resent this decision and join with France, Bismarck brought Germany and Austria-Hungary together in a defensive alliance known as the Dual Alliance in 1879. In 1882, Italy joined this alliance and turned it into the Tripple Alliance.

The French, worried by the Tripple Alliance, formed an alliance with Russia in 1894.
At the sametime, the growing threat from the Germans forced Britain to seek allies. In 1904, Britain and French reached an Entente Cordiale, by which they settled their aggrements over colonies. In 1907, the two countries and Russia joined together in an alliance known as the Tripple Entete.

Europe was divided into two armed camps :
Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy on one side.
Britain, France and Russia on the other side.
End of doc.

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